The Crinum bulbispermum 'Sacramento' hasn't been offered by us for a long time. It looks similar to the Crinum Milk & Wine; but instead of just stripes on the petals, the 'Sacramento's' blooms each have a wine-colored throat with fainter stripes starting to come out of the throat. The back of the petal actually has darker striping than the inside of the petals. Sometimes the blooms are almost white.
The leaves of the crinum 'Sacramento' are long with a bluish tint. They can reach up to 3 feet in length. This crinum produces offsets much more slowly than other crinums. It will take many years for this bulb to begin to have offsets which is one of the reasons that it is so treasured and rare.
The Crinum bulbispermum 'Sacramento' hasn't been offered by us for a long time. It looks similar to the Crinum Milk & Wine; but instead of just stripes on the petals, the 'Sacramento's' blooms each have a wine-colored throat with fainter stripes starting to come out of the throat. The back of the petal actually has darker striping than the inside of the petals. Sometimes the blooms are almost white.
The leaves of the crinum 'Sacramento' are long with a bluish tint. They can reach up to 3 feet in length. This crinum produces offsets much more slowly than other crinums. It will take many years for this bulb to begin to have offsets which is one of the reasons that it is so treasured and rare.