Compare Heirloom "Incomparable" Daffodil - 10 bulbs The "Incomparable" daffodil is known scientifically as Narcissus incomparabilis and the elegance of these daffodils is unparalleled. The heirloom Narcissus “Incomparable” has a subtle and refined petal/trumpet combination and a reliability... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Butter and Eggs' - 10 bulbs Heirloom Double Daffodils – Butter and Eggs and 3 Common Questions Answered What you need to know about double bloom daffodils and how heirloom double daffodils like “Butter and Eggs” stack up against some of... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Texas Star' - 10 bulbs In Texas, we have the saying "Don't mess with Texas." This is to encourage others not to underestimate the strength and resilience of Texans. This saying certainly applies to our Narcissus bulb this week which embodies those traits of strength and... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Lent Lily' - 10 bulbs The Lent lily (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) Harsh conditions often deter other bulbs from blooming during the cold February months, but one brave daffodil is in a class all its own. The traditional trumpet shaped Lent lily (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) was... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Italicus' - 10 bulbs Narcissus tazetta 'Italicus' If you live in more northern parts of the South and long for some sort of paperwhite, then the Italicus is your answer. The most notable aspect of the flowers is their star-shaped petals appearing on the numerous flowers... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Jonquil' - 10 bulbs Discover the Sweet Fragrance and Timeless Beauty of Heirloom Jonquils Heirloom jonquils (Narcissus jonquilla) are beloved for their intoxicating sweet fragrance and cheerful, golden-yellow blooms.These delightful flowers, with their delicate clusters of... $10.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom 'Campernelle' - 10 bulbs The Campernelle Daffodil and 3 Reason We Love Them! In this article, we’ll answer some basic questions about one of the most common heirloom daffodils seen in perennial gardens across Texas and the Southeastern United States, the... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Heirloom "Snowflakes" - 10 bulbs October 2024 - The summer snowflake, or Leucojum aestivum, has been named the latest Texas Superstar plant based on the plant’s proven ability to deliver springtime blooms without any fuss. To be designated a Texas Superstar, a plant... $20.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Wild Hyacinth (Native Camassia scilloides) - 3 bulbs This native flower will instantly elevate the charm and distinctiveness of your spring garden. Yes, we said that word that so many people look for...."Native!" These wild beauties have covered grasslands and prairies across the South... $15.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Naked Lady (Lycoris squamigera) - 2 bulbs Call these Naked Ladies, Surprise Lilies, Magic Lilies, or Resurrection Lilies. You will be shocked in August when these large trumpet blooms open for you. My original stock came from an old turn-of-the-century home in Northeast Louisiana. The home was... $25.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare White Spider Lily (Lycoris albiflora) - 2 bulbs Lycoris albiflora - White Spider Lily This is the true white spider lily that you have been waiting for! February 14, 2025 -- We are going to keep an eye on the weather, and if it looks like it is going to be too cold for these to be in... $28.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Oxblood Lily or "Schoolhouse Lily" - 1 - 5" pot January 2025 - We are selling these in 5" pots right now (Picture below). They are growing and ready to be put in the ground to take in even more nutrients. Let them continue to take in nutrients, and they will bloom for you this coming fall! No... $12.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
New Compare Crinum americanum (native) - "Swamp Lily" - 1 Bulb The Crinum americanum is a native lily that is better known as a "Swamp Lily" or "String Lily." It is native to the southern United States in zones 8-11. The white spidery blooms begin to appear around late April/early May, and if it is planted in the... $10.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Gladiolus byzantinus 'Byzantine Gladiolus' - 3 bulbs One of the best performers in April is the true heirloom Byzantine gladiolus (Gladiolus byzantinus). This bulb (technically, it is called a corm) can be used to spruce up ditches and other hard-to-garden areas. Great color and texture combinations... $15.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Red Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata) Southern Heirloom Triploid - 5 bulbs Red Spider Lily (Lycoris radiata): A Gardener's Guide to the Enchanting Resurrection Flower Red spider lilies are beloved perennials that thrive in zones 7-10, bringing a burst of vibrant beauty to gardens when fall rains arrive. A Lily of Many... $15.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Polianthes tuberosa 'Tuberose' Single Bloom- 5 tubers My first remembrance of tuberoses (Polianthes tuberosa) was when I visited a friend in Houston. They had them growing in pots as well as in the ground by their pool. I couldn't believe the sweet fragrance that filled the summer air. Ever since that... $15.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Caladium 'Aaron' - 5 tubers June is a fun time of year! Different crinum and rain lilies continue to pop into bloom, but the staples that keep texture and color all the time right now are our caladiums. I've come to appreciate their function and form and what it brings to our... $33.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart
Compare Caladium 'White Christmas' - 5 tubers The 'White Christmas' Caladium is considered a white fancy leaf variety. The White Christmas is considered a white caladium because its leaves are extremely white with distinct green veins running throughout the leaves. June is a fun time... $33.00 Add to Wishlist Add to Cart