The signature mark for many crinums is the dark pink, red, or burgundy line running down an otherwise solid white color. Crinum 'Stars and Stripes' celebrates this pattern in one of the most intense ways known to crinum hybrids. The blooms also have an open appearance, allowing the often awestruck onlooker a clear view of the striking beauty of the flowers.
'Stars and Stripes' does not propagate as fast as other crinums, but it is well worth the wait for more bulbs, and in the mean time fills the garden with a show stopping bloom. It blooms usually mid-summer and sometimes into the fall. Although some bulbs may need a season under their belt to bloom, do the following to increase a first season bloom: plant the bulb as soon as possible, water the bulb moderately every day with good drainage for the first week (then water every 2-3 days if no significant rainfall), fertilize moderately once a week the first two weeks in the ground with a low nitrogen fertilizer.
The signature mark for many crinums is the dark pink, red, or burgundy line running down an otherwise solid white color. Crinum 'Stars and Stripes' celebrates this pattern in one of the most intense ways known to crinum hybrids. The blooms also have an open appearance, allowing the often awestruck onlooker a clear view of the striking beauty of the flowers.
'Stars and Stripes' does not propagate as fast as other crinums, but it is well worth the wait for more bulbs, and in the mean time fills the garden with a show stopping bloom. It blooms usually mid-summer and sometimes into the fall. Although some bulbs may need a season under their belt to bloom, do the following to increase a first season bloom: plant the bulb as soon as possible, water the bulb moderately every day with good drainage for the first week (then water every 2-3 days if no significant rainfall), fertilize moderately once a week the first two weeks in the ground with a low nitrogen fertilizer.