Hymenocallis acutifolia - 1 bulb
Hymenocallis acutifolia is similar to the tropical giant but has more pointed leave and blooms in late summer through the fall in the Southern United States. The white, spidery blooms measure almost 1 foot from tip to tip and sit atop the dark, narrow foliage. The Hymenocallis acutifolia does best in damp soils. This Hymenocallis can do well with a lot of shade as it grows naturally next to jungle riverbeds.
Hymenocallis acutifolia is similar to the tropical giant but has more pointed leave and blooms in late summer through the fall in the Southern United States. The white, spidery blooms measure almost 1 foot from tip to tip and sit atop the dark, narrow foliage. The Hymenocallis acutifolia does best in damp soils. This Hymenocallis can do well with a lot of shade as it grows naturally next to jungle riverbeds.