Daffodil 'Pipit' - 5 bulbs
The Narcissus 'Pipit' is anything but a "plain old daffodil". The longer the bloom is open the more sure you are that you actually have a different flower. Look closely at the pictures, and you will see exactly what I am talking about. At first, you probably think that we got our pictures mixed up with different bulbs, but we didn't. The bloom has pale yellow petals that surround a similar colored cup when it first opens. The longer the bloom stays open though the more the cup changes colors to a light ivory/white. Each stem hold multiple blossoms and each bulb produces multiple stems. The 'Pipit' has a smaller bloom than many Narcissus but it certainly isn't a mini daffodil. The fragrance and colors make the 'Pipit' a great choice to bring inside as a cut flower.
Plant the bulbs about 2-3 times the size of the bulb (so if the bulb is 1 inch long, plant it 2-3 inches deep). If you are farther north and get very cold during the winter, you may want to plant it about 4-6 inches deep. Space the holes about 3-6 inches apart, and for a more natural looking display, consider planting 2-3 bulbs in each hole.
The Narcissus 'Pipit' is anything but a "plain old daffodil". The longer the bloom is open the more sure you are that you actually have a different flower. Look closely at the pictures, and you will see exactly what I am talking about. At first, you probably think that we got our pictures mixed up with different bulbs, but we didn't. The bloom has pale yellow petals that surround a similar colored cup when it first opens. The longer the bloom stays open though the more the cup changes colors to a light ivory/white. Each stem hold multiple blossoms and each bulb produces multiple stems. The 'Pipit' has a smaller bloom than many Narcissus but it certainly isn't a mini daffodil. The fragrance and colors make the 'Pipit' a great choice to bring inside as a cut flower.
Plant the bulbs about 2-3 times the size of the bulb (so if the bulb is 1 inch long, plant it 2-3 inches deep). If you are farther north and get very cold during the winter, you may want to plant it about 4-6 inches deep. Space the holes about 3-6 inches apart, and for a more natural looking display, consider planting 2-3 bulbs in each hole.