What makes these forcing bulbs different from our other paperwhites besides that this one is sold as four bulbs? These are a soft white with a yellow center, and they grow taller than any of the other paperwhites! They feel like you have brought a piece of sunshine into your home. This set of 4 large, paperwhite bulbs are perfect for forcing in your own pot or buy multiples to force in several smaller pots around the house. You have the white petals with just a touch of 'winter sun' yellow to make you and your guests smile when they look at them. There are several large flowers on each stem, and the 'Wintersun' has a lovely fragrance. Be sure to plant the bulbs about 6-8 weeks before your desired day of display. These are lovely for Thanksgiving or Christmas for a holiday season bloom, but consider what a lovely gift to give at Christmas so that someone can begin the forcing. Then they can think of you each day as they water the bulbs and look forward to seeing the blooms when the weather often keeps us indoors. Consider also forcing the 'Wintersun' paperwhite at different intervals so that you have lovely blooms all the way through Easter!
What makes these forcing bulbs different from our other paperwhites besides that this one is sold as four bulbs? These are a soft white with a yellow center, and they grow taller than any of the other paperwhites! They feel like you have brought a piece of sunshine into your home. This set of 4 large, paperwhite bulbs are perfect for forcing in your own pot or buy multiples to force in several smaller pots around the house. You have the white petals with just a touch of 'winter sun' yellow to make you and your guests smile when they look at them. There are several large flowers on each stem, and the 'Wintersun' has a lovely fragrance. Be sure to plant the bulbs about 6-8 weeks before your desired day of display. These are lovely for Thanksgiving or Christmas for a holiday season bloom, but consider what a lovely gift to give at Christmas so that someone can begin the forcing. Then they can think of you each day as they water the bulbs and look forward to seeing the blooms when the weather often keeps us indoors. Consider also forcing the 'Wintersun' paperwhite at different intervals so that you have lovely blooms all the way through Easter!